Dr. Jayanta Chakrabarti
Chittaranjan National Cancer Institute has witnessed a phenomenal growth as a Cancer caregiver in the last year. This is primarily because the New, Second Campus at Newtown hasstarted to function with all the designated facilities and the existing campus at Hazra had alsowitnessed a strong foot fall of patients. The Radiotherapy facilities with two High energyLinear Accelerators has also been functional from early this year which has added much strength to the radiation oncology services. Our much-awaited dream to start NMC recognized courses also have been fulfilled, as we have been affiliated to run MD course in Radiation Oncology, Laboratory Medicine and MCh. Course in Surgical Oncology. CNCI also got accreditation for the Post Basic Diploma in Oncology Nursing course from the Indian Nursing Council. We have also expanded our paramedical training courses by incorporating Diploma courses in Operation Theatre and Critical Care, here at our Institute.
We have received a major boost in the community screening program in the form of Mobile mammography Van, which has already been incorporated in the screening schedule for semi-urban areas.
Our primary aim in the years to come would be to establish ourselves as a frontrunner in the field of Oncology services and research by some short-term goals as:
- Make the Newtown Campus fully functional with the required manpower and infrastructure.
- Renovation of certain key areas in the existing Campus to match with the present Standards.
- Start Medical PG courses in allied disciplines like Radiology and Aneshthesiology
- Goal oriented Cancer research with special impetus on common cancers in India.
- Strive for quality and safety with Accredition by NABH,NABL.
I know, beyond doubt that CNCI fraternity will accomplish these goals with a great teamwork, as achieved in the past and bring glory to the region…. Nation.